


Homeostatic Performance

Motivation, Awareness and Feedback are the vehicles that drive high level physical and cognitive performance. Without the critical feedback from external sources, we remain unaware of our shortcomings which impedes our ability to grow and perform optimally in our activity of choice.


'Ghost Ego Avatar Schematic' is a homeostatic system for performance optimization.


As a brand, GEAS is based on the lifestyle of Sporting, Athletics and High Performance.


As a product, GEAS quantifies raw data into points and data visualizations. In return, it outlines your performance, potential, progress and patterns.


We selectively draw inspiration from Sports Science/ Philosophy and Game Design which are all unified by the mechanism of motivation. Motivation leads a user towards self-mastery and self-determination in their activity of choice.


GEAS solves for the challenge of maintaining a highly performant lifestyle similar to that of an Athlete.

Some of these challenges are cognitive and require systems that replicate athletic institutions and environments in order to motivate the user towards higher performance.

Our constructed model is called Ghost Ego. Ghost Ego is a detached and objective assesment of its user and their current state of performance and development.

It's built on a philosophical examination of what constitutes the identity of the user in relation to their sport of participation and position in the wider world.


Our intention is to assist the current and hyper-performing user in their development towards becoming more:

1. Functionally Tuned

2. Physiologically Refined

3. Cognitively Honed

4. Perpetually Performant

5. Holistically Unified


GEAS aims to develop its users in the least monotonous way as possible. In each instance of the brand, we aim to optimize for enjoyability.

“…when one focuses on exploration and enjoyment, the performance will improve without drawing much attention to it&rdquot;

— Sports Psychology: An Analysis of Athlete Behaviour